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- Date June 6, 2022
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Sunday Catechism for the academic year 2022-23 was inaugurated on 5th June, 2022 at St Joseph the Worker Church , Neermarga.
The auspicious event commenced with Entrance Procession with the Altar Servers carrying a thurible with burning incense, processional cross carried by Mr. Ravi Saldanha, Vice President -Parish Pastoral Council , Parents with lighted candles, class teachers of grades 1 -10 and student representatives carrying small Bibles and the Parish Priest – All walked in together slowly and reverently; upon nearing the sanctuary, fan out laterally and all bowed together toward the Altar and stood in a semi-circle and thereafter the Holy Bible was enthroned and honoured with flowers and incense by Rev Fr Anil Canute D Mello, Parish Priest . The Parish Priest along with Mr. Ravi Saldanha , Mr. Prakash Pereira- Vice President and Secretary of Parish Pastoral Council unveiled the plaque bearing the theme of the New Catechetical year: 2022-23 -To be a living witness to the Word of God and learning of Catechism is an inspiration to lead Gospel Centered Life. Rev Fr Anil D Mello in his inspirational homily vividly underlined how the day of Pentecost is connected to the Tower of Babel—He said “ While the Tower of Babel divided mankind through language , God ultimately used language on the day of Pentecost to bring us together in Him. So God brought us from the Tower of Babel to the Day of Pentecost through the death and resurrection of our Savior” He further reiterated the ways and means by which one could live in Newness of Life and how the assemblage could use the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit in their lives . He concluded thus “As we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Spirit , let us remember the creative work of the Holy Spirit transforming bread and wine into the Sacred Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and refashioning people into a Community of love and forgiveness. It is here that the Spirit -filled community finds it’s source of life, of mission, joyful, hope and perseverance”.
The Parishioners then witnessed the solemn oath taking ceremony led by Fr Anil D Mello and it was carried on as per the format given by Diocesan Biblical Catechetical and Liturgical Commission (DBCLC).
Catechism teachers animated the liturgy of the day and also participated in the offertory.
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